Dynamic Programming — Unlock the Power of Problem-Solving

Paresh Krishna Sharma
4 min readJun 18, 2023


In the context of the Fibonacci sequence, each subproblem relies on the solutions of two smaller subproblems. However, when using the naive recursive approach, a significant number of subproblems are redundantly computed multiple times.
In the case of the Fibonacci sequence, each sub-problem relies on the solutions of two smaller sub-problems. However, when using the naive recursive implementation, numerous sub-problems are redundantly computed.

Problem-solving lies at the heart of computer science and programming. It involves devising efficient and optimal solutions to complex problems. One powerful technique that has revolutionized problem-solving is dynamic programming. Dynamic programming is a methodical approach that breaks down complex problems into smaller sub problems, solves them, and builds upon those solutions to tackle the original problem. It enables programmers to optimize time and space complexity and find the most efficient solution. In this article, we will explore the concept of dynamic programming and understand how it unlocks the power of problem-solving.

Understanding Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming is an algorithmic optimization technique that is based on the principle of solving a problem by breaking it down into smaller overlapping sub problems. It was first introduced by Richard Bellman in the 1950s and has since become a fundamental concept in computer science.

The key idea behind dynamic programming is that instead of solving a problem from scratch every time, we can store and reuse solutions to smaller sub problems. By solving each sub problem only once and storing its solution, we can avoid redundant computations and significantly improve the efficiency of our algorithms.

Dynamic programming can be applied to problems that exhibit two essential characteristics: optimal substructure and overlapping sub problems. Optimal substructure means that the optimal solution to the problem can be constructed from the optimal solutions to its sub problems. Overlapping sub problems occur when the same sub problems are solved multiple times in the process of solving the larger problem.

Steps Involved in Dynamic Programming

To solve a problem using dynamic programming, we typically follow a set of steps:

1. Identify the problem as a candidate for dynamic programming

Dynamic programming is particularly useful for problems that exhibit optimal substructure and overlapping sub problems. Recognizing these characteristics in a problem is the first step towards applying dynamic programming techniques.

2. Define the structure of the optimal solution

Break down the problem into smaller sub problems and identify the relationships between them. Determine how the optimal solution to the larger problem can be constructed from the optimal solutions to the sub problems.

3. Formulate the recurrence relation

Express the solution to the problem in terms of the solutions to its sub problems. This recurrence relation serves as the foundation for building the dynamic programming solution.

4. Design the dynamic programming algorithm

Translate the recurrence relation into a step-by-step algorithm that solves the problem efficiently. The algorithm should ensure that each subproblem is solved only once, and its solution is stored for future reference.

5. Implement the solution

Write code to implement the dynamic programming algorithm. Pay attention to efficient data structures and appropriate memory management to optimize performance.

6. Analyze the time and space complexity

Evaluate the time and space complexity of the dynamic programming solution. Dynamic programming often reduces the time complexity from exponential to polynomial, leading to significant performance improvements.

Example: Fibonacci Sequence

Let’s illustrate the power of dynamic programming with a classic example — computing the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. The sequence starts with 0 and 1.

Using dynamic programming, we can compute the Fibonacci sequence efficiently by storing the solutions to smaller sub problems.

def fibonacci(n):
fib = [0, 1]
for i in range(2, n+1):
fib.append(fib[i-1] + fib[i-2])
return fib[n]

In the above code snippet, we initialize an array `fib` with the first two Fibonacci numbers. We then iteratively compute and store the subsequent Fibonacci numbers using the previously computed values. Finally, we return the desired Fibonacci number.

By using dynamic programming, the time complexity of computing the Fibonacci sequence reduces from exponential to linear. Without dynamic programming, the naive recursive approach would result in an exponential time complexity, making it infeasible for larger values of `n`.


Dynamic programming is a powerful problem-solving technique that enables programmers to solve complex problems efficiently. By breaking down problems into smaller sub problems and reusing their solutions, dynamic programming optimizes time and space complexity. It is particularly useful for problems with optimal substructure and overlapping sub problems. By applying the steps of identifying the problem, defining the optimal solution, formulating the recurrence relation, designing the algorithm, implementing the solution, and analyzing complexity, programmers can leverage the power of dynamic programming to solve a wide range of computational challenges.

Through the use of result caching, numerous recursive calls can be avoided.
Through the use of result caching, numerous recursive calls can be avoided

So, the next time you encounter a problem that seems daunting, remember the power of dynamic programming and unlock its potential to find elegant and efficient solutions.

Thanks for reading.



Paresh Krishna Sharma

Unleashing the Power of Code, Data, and Creativity ✨ | Software Engineer at Microsoft | LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/itsparesh